Can I still file an Ozempic claim if the FDA approved the drug?

At our law firm, we offer you a unique level of attention. We hope that these frequently asked questions will help you understand more about the way we work and validate our passion for helping people who are going through difficult situations.

Yes. Despite FDA approval, you may still be eligible to file a claim against the manufacturer of Ozempic, but this depends on the specifics of your individual case. Patients who started taking Ozempic after the label update in September 2023 may no longer be eligible. Contact our firm for more information.

Novo Nordisk can be held liable for your semaglutide injuries

Ozempic was approved by the FDA in 2017. Semaglutide is solely manufactured by Novo Nordisk and is prescribed for those dealing with type II diabetes. Recently, it has also been strongly marketed as a weight loss aid. Some common side effects of semaglutide use include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Bloating
  • Gas

However, it can cause more serious effects like gastroparesis and severe bowel obstructions that can lead to death, or at least the loss of quality of life. Novo Nordisk failed to disclose these very serious and life-altering side effects.

Despite the strengthening link between semaglutide use and these severe conditions, it was only in September 2023 that Novo Nordisk added this information to their prescription information. Depending on when you were prescribed the drug, you may have a case against Novo Nordisk.

We can help you file your Ozempic claim

If you believe you have serious injuries related to the use of semaglutide, the first step is to reach out to a medical professional for an accurate diagnosis. This diagnosis will be the basis for your claim against Novo Nordisk, along with any other medical records you may have that show a clear link between your usage of the drug and your injuries. Then, reach out to a team of legal experts like ours, and provide us with your records and proof of you having taken Ozempic.

We understand that this must be a difficult and draining time for you, and we want to make the process as stress-free as possible. Our experienced team can handle the legalities on your behalf, so you can focus on your rest and recovery instead.