Paraquat makers failed to warn users of the increased risk of developing Parkinson's disease

By Treven Pyles on March 09th, 2021 in

Studies showing that paraquat greatly increases the risk of a person developing Parkinson's date back years. Paraquat manufacturers should have issued warnings about the link between the two. Instead, thousands of claims are now being filed by individuals who used paraquat regularly and were diagnosed with Parkinson's.

As the dangers associated with paraquat become more well-known, people are filing claims for the injuries they have sustained. Manufacturers across the country are responsible for warning consumers of any risk their products may pose. Unfortunately, makers of paraquat herbicide failed to do so. Due to this negligent behavior, the companies that manufactured paraquat can be held liable for any injuries or death their products have caused.

The legal team at Environmental Litigation Group P.C. is now evaluating legal claims on behalf of those who developed Parkinson's disease due to the herbicide's use.

Science supports your claim that paraquat exposure caused you the development of Parkinson's disease:

  • In 2011, research by the National Institutes of Health found that people who used paraquat developed Parkinson's disease 2.5 times more often than non-users;
  • A 2009 study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology revealed that exposure to paraquat within 1640 feet of a home increases Parkinson's disease risk for the home's residents by 75%;
  • Additional studies found that the risk of developing Parkinson's disease can increase by 200 to 600 percent for young adults or teenagers exposed to paraquat, depending on their length of exposure.

A claim over health problems linked to using paraquat relies on many liability elements

People who used the weed-killer paraquat put their entire communities at risk simply because they did not know the dangers. Unfortunately, well-meaning farmworkers, herbicide applicators, chemical mixers, and tank fillers may incorrectly assume that simply because a chemical is made available is safe to use.

Parkinson's disease is one of the most concerning risks associated with paraquat exposure. Unfortunately, the manufacturers of paraquat-based herbicides have failed to ensure that farmworkers and others exposed to the weed killer were adequately warned about the serious health risks associated with the herbicide.

Several claims have been filed against the paraquat manufacturers alleging the following:

  • Syngenta and other manufacturers of paraquat-based herbicides failed to warn about the neurological risks of their products properly and were negligent in their manufacturing;
  • the manufacturers knew or reasonably should have known about the risk, yet withheld warnings from consumers;
  • the manufacturers knew or reasonably should have known that users would not realize the exposal consequences;
  • the manufacturer's negligence and failure to warn was a substantial factor in causing the claimant harm;
  • the lack of a sufficient warning was a substantial factor in causing the claimant harm;
  • paraquat had risks that were known in light of the scientific knowledge that was generally accepted in the scientific community at the time of manufacture, distribution, and sale;
  • the potential risks presented a substantial danger when paraquat was used or misused in an intended or reasonably foreseeable way.

Additionally, paraquat may be misbranded, failing to advise users of exposal consequences, despite the U.S. EPA's determination that paraquat met Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) registration criteria.

We can help you secure the compensation you deserve and need to help in your recovery from the liable companies

Because the manufacturer failed to disclose information about the link between Parkinson's disease and paraquat exposure, many farmers and agricultural workers developed severe brain disorders after years of spraying the toxic herbicide. Even when safety precautions provided by the manufacturers were followed, these workers faced high risks from handling, transporting, mixing, or applying the weed killer.

The legal team at Environmental Litigation Group, P.C., reviews claims for farmers, herbicide applicators, chemical mixers, and tank fillers exposed to paraquat and later diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. With over 30 years of experience in providing quality legal assistance to people injured by toxic exposure, our legal experts can hold the manufacturers of paraquat-based herbicides accountable for the harmful effects of their products.

If you have been exposed to paraquat anywhere in the United States, contact one of our experts at Environmental Litigation Group, P.C. By filing a claim, we can't reverse your diagnosis, but we can help you recover proper financial compensation to improve your quality of life.