The importance of the disability letter for terminally ill patients

By Michael Bartlett on July 08th, 2019 in

It is important to know that if you are struggling with an asbestos-related disease, you are entitled to compensation. The disability letter will expedite the process of receiving financial compensation, which is vital if your disease is terminal. A lawyer specialized in asbestos exposure cases can help you obtain the money you deserve.

Asbestos exposure is responsible for the death of nearly 40,000 people throughout the U.S. every year. Unfortunately, the diseases which occur as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos are often terminal, as they are very aggressive and have rapid progress. Whether we are talking about cancers such as mesothelioma and lung cancer or about non-malignant illnesses such as COPD or pulmonary fibrosis, the pace at which these conditions destroy the lungs is incredibly fast. Therefore, numerous Americans who suffer from one of these diseases lose their life. Once asbestos begins causing damage to the lungs, the disease will continue developing, despite medication and treatment, which have the role of keeping the illness under control, not of curing it.

What should a disability letter contain

If your disease prevents you from functioning normally in your everyday life, it means you are disabled. For this reason, it is crucial to be evaluated by a medical specialist who will subsequently write you a disability letter. The letter should contain the following:

  • Your current diagnosis
  • The connection between your illness and workplace asbestos exposure
  • The severity or stage of your condition
  • A description of how it hinders you from performing daily tasks

By having a disability letter, you will obtain financial compensation more easily from asbestos trust funds or the VA, depending on your situation. With such a letter from your doctor, you can also opt for receiving Social Security Disability Compensation if you are under 65, as well as Worker's Compensation if you still have a job.

In order to receive a complete and correct diagnosis, it is extremely important to undergo an asbestos screening that can determine the presence of asbestos fibers inside your lungs. This process can help both with avoiding a misdiagnosis which is fairly common when it comes to asbestos-exposure diseases and with your claim for compensation. In an effort to raise awareness and help those who have been exposed to asbestos, we are offering free asbestos screenings.

Compensation for those suffering as a result of asbestos exposure

The disability letter will expedite the process of receiving financial compensation, which is vital if your disease is terminal. A lawyer specialized in asbestos exposure cases can help you obtain the money you deserve very easily, a legal process that requires no litigation, so we encourage you to contact one and request their assistance.

They will gladly and efficiently handle all the necessary documents and help you file a claim with asbestos trust funds or with the VA if you served in the military.

However, if you struggle with a terminal illness, you should not give up. There have been numerous cases when people in your situation experienced cancer remission or a sudden alleviation of their disease. With the help of a professional medical team, anything is possible, so please do not lose your hope.