Bronchial cancer claims

As a rare disease that develops in the mucous glands and ducts of the lung airways, the windpipe, or the salivary glands, bronchial cancer is usually associated with tobacco smoking. However, a significant percentage of bronchial cancer cases are the result of toxic exposure. Industrial workers, particularly those who handled asbestos, are at high risk of bronchial cancer. Unfortunately, the prognosis of this malignant disease is relatively poor, with only 8% of patients surviving for five years or longer if their bronchial cancer has spread to other parts of the body. If you have this diagnosis and a history of occupational or military asbestos exposure, do not hesitate to contact our specialized attorneys, as they may be able to obtain financial compensation from the asbestos trust funds for you.

Our Attorneys

Coke oven workers have a higher risk of bronchial cancer, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Present mainly in the iron and steel industries, coke oven emissions are a toxic concoction of dust, vapors, and gases, which also include heavy metals such as arsenic and cadmium. Even workers who wear protective equipment are inevitably exposed to coke oven emissions, which increases their risk of bronchial cancer.

While exposure to coke oven emissions is mostly associated with lung cancer, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency clearly states that it also has a strong causal relation with cancer of the bronchus. The following are the eligibility criteria for workers exposed to coke oven emissions who came to struggle with bronchial cancer:

  • you must have worked in the iron, steel, aluminum, graphite, electrical, or construction industry, where coke oven emissions were released on a regular basis
  • you must have a correct, accurate diagnosis of bronchial cancer that is related to occupational toxic exposure

If you are uncertain about whether you qualify for compensation, we advise you to get in touch with our legal team, as we can quickly check your eligibility. You will only have to provide our law firm with your employment records and your medical records.

Up to 29% of bronchial cancer cases in the U.S. stem from occupational asbestos exposure

The cause of bronchial cancer is not completely known to medical specialists. It is believed that genetic factors are at play, as people with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 are at higher risk for bronchial cancer. Smoking may also contribute to the development of this disease. Still, exposure to toxic agents on the job, such as asbestos, was found to be a significant contributing factor.

People with a history of asbestos exposure may come to struggle with bronchial cancer within 20 to 50 years from their first contact with the mineral fibers, as, in this case, the disease has a long latency period.

These are the most common symptoms of bronchial cancer:

  • a persistent cough
  • shortness of breath
  • coughing up blood
  • wheezing
  • chest pain
  • flushing of the face
  • recurrent infections like pneumonia
  • trouble swallowing
  • hoarseness
  • numbness of the jaw or face
  • a lump on the roof of the mouth
  • pain in the face

There are multiple types of bronchial cancer tumors, the main ones being carcinoid tumors, adenoid cystic carcinoma, and mucoepidermoid carcinoma. When it comes to the malignant cells involved in bronchial cancer, there are non-small cells, which make up over 80% of tumors, and small cells, which account for roughly 15% of tumors. When asbestos exposure is the cause of bronchial cancer, the person inhales the toxic mineral fibers, some of which become embedded in soft tissue. Over time, they cause severe inflammation and scarring, which may eventually lead to bronchial cancer.

Since this disease is rare, the risk of misdiagnosis is very high. For this reason, visiting multiple specialists is essential for a correct, accurate diagnosis. Most studies report that 25% of patients with bronchial tumors are asymptomatic, and consequently, these tumors are found incidentally.

Eligibility criteria to file a claim for asbestos exposure

Whether you were exposed to asbestos in occupational settings or during active military service, your financial compensation will come from the asbestos trust funds of the companies that manufactured the products you worked with or came in contact with. Furthermore, veterans may be able to obtain disability compensation by filing a VA claim. Nevertheless, to determine whether you are eligible to file a claim, our resourceful attorneys will have to thoroughly assess your documents. If you are a veteran, you must have been discharged from the military other than dishonorably if you intend to seek compensation. You will only have to:

  • send our legal team your employment or military records, which you must retrieve
  • send our attorneys your medical records stating your bronchial cancer diagnosis

Even if you are not completely sure about whether you are entitled to compensation, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with our experienced legal team, as we will carefully assess your documents, and you will know with certainty if you can file a claim. If asbestos fibers are found along your airways, and you have bronchial cancer, chances are you are eligible for compensation. Our attorneys, who have been pursuing asbestos exposure cases since 1990, will strive to obtain the most favorable outcome for you if you struggle with this disease. Veterans will also have a VA disability claim filed for additional compensation, as the cost of bronchial cancer treatment is usually very high.

If you lived with a family member who worked with asbestos during the last century, you also have a risk of bronchial cancer

Between the 1920s and the 1980s, asbestos use was very popular in the United States. Although manufacturers and employers were aware of the dangers of exposure, they chose to keep this health threat a secret from workers for their own financial gain.

One of the consequences of this was secondary asbestos exposure, which affected the family members of asbestos workers. Since people handling the mineral on the job would return home wearing the same clothes they worked in, they would often bring asbestos fibers into their houses, unavoidably exposing their loved ones.

In most scenarios, the wives would breathe in toxic fibers when shaking out the clothes of their husbands before laundering them, whereas the children would inhale asbestos fibers when greeting their fathers. While the risk of developing bronchial cancer due to secondary asbestos exposure is lower, the health risk is still present. Approximately 10% of patients with asbestos-related diseases have never worked with asbestos directly. If you shared a home with a family member who handled asbestos on the job and have bronchial cancer, you should also contact us, as we may be able to get compensation for you.

We may be able to help you file a wrongful death claim if you lost a family member to bronchial cancer

Many asbestos exposure victims pass away without having sought the financial compensation they might have been entitled to from the liable companies.

Often, they refuse to take legal action out of fear of a long and complex process, or, sadly, they die before having the chance to initiate the process. In this situation, the surviving family members can step in and file a wrongful death claim on their behalf if they are eligible.

To file a wrongful death claim if you lost a loved one to bronchial cancer caused by asbestos exposure, we will only need their employment or military records, which must be retrieved, their medical records stating their diagnosis, and their death certificate.

With nearly 30 years of experience in toxic exposure cases, our diligent attorneys will go to great lengths to obtain the maximum financial compensation you may be eligible for on behalf of your deceased family member. Still, it is important to keep in mind that the sum of money you may receive will be smaller than what your family member might have obtained if they had filed on their own. This is because there are no more ongoing medical expenses involved. Working with our law firm is free of charge unless we get compensation for you, as we operate on a contingency fee basis, so initiating the legal process can only benefit you.

Quality legal assistance for asbestos victims with bronchial cancer

Both occupational and military asbestos exposure is associated with bronchial cancer. Our attorneys have the necessary experience and resources to handle asbestos exposure cases and obtain the compensation you may be eligible for, either as a former industrial worker, veteran, secondary asbestos exposure victim, or surviving family member. If you were diagnosed with bronchial cancer, we strongly advise you to get in touch with our specialized attorneys. We will strive to make the legal process as easy to navigate as possible for you if you are the victim, as we know how overwhelming struggling with cancer can be. Our legal team will only need your employment or military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records with your bronchial cancer diagnosis. If we determine that you qualify to file a claim, we will do all in our power to recover the largest sum of money available for your diagnosis.