Action Exclusives toxic hair relaxers

Manufactured by Action Beauty Supply, these hair relaxers might contain toxic chemicals that can promote the development and progression of cancer in women who regularly use these products. Action Exclusives are marketed to Black women. These hair relaxers damage the hair's protein structure to change its natural texture. Not only are hair relaxers harmful to the hair itself but also to women's health, as the dangerous chemicals that often lurk in these products were found to promote uterine and ovarian cancer. Action Exclusives is just one of the dozens of chemical hair relaxers available on the market. While it is not as popular as those of L'Oréal, for instance, women still use these products, and they should be aware of the health risks. If you have been regularly using the Action Exclusives hair relaxers and now have uterine or ovarian cancer, we encourage you to contact us, as you might be eligible to file a claim.

Claim Application

Women who use hair relaxers frequently are twice as likely to develop uterine cancer

Although the Action Exclusives hair relaxers are marketed as safe products to straighten your hair, the reality might be very different. Because these products are chemical hair relaxers, they might contain toxic substances, including formaldehyde and phthalates, which increase the risk of developing cancer. These chemicals can easily infiltrate the bloodstream through the burns and lesions using the Action Exclusives hair relaxers can cause. With regular use, the level of these carcinogens and endocrine disruptors will inevitably increase, placing the consumer at a higher risk of coming to struggle with uterine or ovarian cancer.

The following are the two hair relaxers made by Action Beauty Supply:

  • Action Exclusives Relaxer Gold 8 LB
  • Action Exclusive Gold Formula Relaxer 4 LB

To become eligible to file a claim if you have been using these products, you must have applied the Action Exclusives hair relaxer for 2 to 5 years at least four times a year and have one of the following diagnoses:

The mortality rate for uterine cancer is currently the highest among Black women, as they die of the disease at twice the rate of white women. This is because Black women tend to develop aggressive uterine cancer. While 15 years ago, 39,000 new cases of uterine cancer were diagnosed every year, today, over 66,000 women receive this diagnosis annually. Using toxic hair relaxers might be a significant contributor to the prevalence of this disease among Black women, as the chemicals in these products are endocrine disruptors, and both uterine and ovarian cancer are hormone-sensitive diseases.

Quality legal assistance for women who want to file a toxic hair relaxer claim

Since 1990, our law firm has been dedicated to providing quality assistance to toxic exposure victims. If you have been using one of the Action Exclusives hair relaxers and now struggle with uterine or ovarian cancer, you should give our skilled attorneys a call, as you might be entitled to compensation for your unjust suffering. All you have to do to initiate the process is send in evidence of your use of hair relaxers and your medical records.

Following a thorough evaluation of your case, we will determine whether you are eligible to file a toxic hair relaxer claim. Eligible women will have their claims filed as soon as possible, as we are well aware that many have difficulties affording the treatment they need. If our endeavors are successful, you will receive the maximum financial compensation you are entitled to for your injury from the liable manufacturers.