Multiple myeloma claims

processing claims for over 50 years

Every year, over 35,700 multiple myeloma cases are diagnosed in the United States. As a form of bone cancer, multiple myeloma affects several body areas, such as the spine, pelvis, skull, and ribs. A major risk factor for multiple myeloma is exposure to harmful substances, including asbestos, benzene, and pesticides. While exposure can occur in the workplace, veterans also came in contact with toxic agents during active duty while stationed at Camp Lejeune. If you are a veteran or a family member of one who spent time at Camp Lejeune and now struggle with multiple myeloma, you should get in touch with our attorneys, as you might be eligible for compensation.

Our Attorneys

Approximately 800,000 gallons of fuel leaked from Camp Lejeune's fuel farm, which contained high benzene levels

Benzene exposure increases the risk of multiple myeloma in veterans by up to 40%. In addition to benzene, pesticides are also known to cause multiple myeloma. Agent Orange, a chemical herbicide and defoliant, was used in tremendous amounts during the Vietnam War.

Over 11 million of Agent Orange were used during the conflict. It is important to note that veterans did not have to be stationed in Vietnam for exposure to occur, as the herbicide would often be stored on military facilities such as Camp Lejeune, and service members would have to handle it.

According to the VA, multiple myeloma is a disease that has a strong connection with Agent Orange. If you are a veteran with multiple myeloma who spent time at Camp Lejeune and want to file a claim, the following are the eligibility requirements you must meet:

  • you must have been discharged from the military other than dishonorably
  • you must have drunk toxic water at Camp Lejeune for a significant time
  • you must have lived at the military base for at least 30 consecutive days between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987
  • you must have a diagnosis of multiple myeloma that has a connection with toxic exposure

The family members of Camp Lejeune veterans who stayed with them at the military base and developed multiple myeloma might also be entitled to compensation. Furthermore, civilians who worked at the facility and now struggle with this cancer might be eligible to file a Camp Lejeune toxic water claim, too. As a veteran, we will ask you for your military and medical records, while as a family member, you will have to provide our legal team with evidence of your time spent at the military base in addition to your medical records. Civilians will have to send in their employment and medical records.

Our diligent attorneys can help you file a toxic exposure claim if you have multiple myeloma

With over 30 years of experience in pursuing compensation for toxic exposure victims, our attorneys have the necessary resources and knowledge to assist you in filing a toxic exposure claim for multiple myeloma. If you are a veteran with a history of military toxic exposure and have a multiple myeloma diagnosis, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with our legal team. The legal process is simple and easy, and will mostly take place over the phone.

You will only have to provide our attorneys with your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records. After a thorough review of your case, we will let you know whether you are eligible to file a toxic exposure claim. If you are too ill to participate in the legal process, a family member can help you, and our compassionate team will also strive to make navigating it as easy as possible. We will strive to obtain the most favorable outcome for your case.