Ovarian cancer claims

processing claims for over 50 years

As the deadliest gynecologic cancer, ovarian cancer affects nearly 20,000 American women every year. While the most common risk factors for the disease include never having been pregnant, endometriosis, faulty genes, and hormone replacement therapy, a more obscure risk factor is toxic exposure. Veterans who spent time at Camp Lejeune and women who regularly use chemical hair relaxers are more likely to develop ovarian cancer than the general population. This is because they were exposed to harmful substances that act as endocrine disruptors once in the body. If you belong to one of these categories and struggle with ovarian cancer, we encourage you to contact our attorneys, as you might be eligible to file a claim and obtain financial compensation for your unjust suffering.

Our Attorneys

Exposure to PFAS might cause adverse reproductive outcomes in veterans who were stationed at Camp Lejeune

For 34 years, the drinking water at Camp Lejeune was polluted with industrial solvents, including trichloroethylene, vinyl chloride, benzene, and perchloroethylene.

Two of the water distribution plants at the military base were heavily contaminated due to the improper use and disposal of solvents by the nearby dry-cleaning firm ABC One-Hour Cleaning.

Benzene was also present in the environment of Camp Lejeune, and service members would be exposed during the following activities:

  • storage and dispensing of liquid petroleum fuels
  • cleaning and degreasing activities
  • ship, vehicle, and aircraft maintenance servicing, repairs, and overhaul

If you are a female veteran with ovarian cancer who was stationed at Camp Lejeune, you might be eligible for compensation if you meet the following criteria:

  • you must have been discharged from the military other than dishonorably
  • you must have drunk toxic water at Camp Lejeune
  • you must have spent at least 30 consecutive days at the military base between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987
  • you must have a diagnosis of ovarian cancer that has a connection to toxic exposure

You will also have to provide our attorneys with your military records and medical records so that they will be able to thoroughly evaluate your case. Civilians who worked at the military base might also be able to file a claim under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, as everyone whose health was impacted by the hazardous concoction of chemicals in the drinking water has the right to seek legal recourse. As a civilian, we will request your employment records and your medical records.

Bisphenol A is associated with modifications of the reproductive system in women who often use hair relaxers

Over 60% of women who use chemical hair relaxers are Black, which places them at high risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Because these products are often marketed to children and teenagers, most women begin using hair relaxers at a young age and continue straightening their hair regularly.

Still, it has recently come to light that many hair relaxers, such as those of Revlon, Strength of Nature, and L’Oréal, contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as bisphenol A. They also have carcinogens as ingredients, which can enter the body with every application of a chemical hair relaxer. The alterations bisphenol A can induce in women’s reproductive system, which can give way to ovarian cancer, are benign lesions such as:

  • endometrial hyperplasia
  • the development of ovarian cysts
  • an increase in the ductal density of mammary gland cells

Furthermore, bisphenol A was associated with multiple metabolic disorders, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, recurrent miscarriages, and endometrial hyperplasia. Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome are more than twice as likely to develop ovarian cancer. Human ovarian cancer cells express high levels of estrogen receptors compared with benign ovarian lesion cells. Long-term exposure to bisphenol A could lead to a greater incidence of cystic endometrial hyperplasia or ovarian cysts, which are premalignant lesions, according to a study from Oncology Letters.

If you are a woman who has been regularly using hair relaxers and now have ovarian cancer, these are the eligibility requirements you have to meet to file a toxic hair relaxer claim:

  • you must have used hair relaxers at least 7 times per year for 10 years or longer
  • you must have a diagnosis of ovarian cancer related to toxic exposure

We will also request evidence of your use of hair relaxers, such as receipts or hair salon bills, and your medical records so that our skilled attorneys can thoroughly evaluate your case. Shortly after we review your situation, they will let you know if you are entitled to financial compensation from the companies whose products you used.

Quality legal assistance and services for women with ovarian cancer due to toxic exposure

Whether you are a veteran, firefighter, or hair relaxer user, if you developed ovarian cancer, toxic exposure is likely the culprit behind your suffering. For over 30 years, our attorneys have been dedicating their efforts to obtaining financial compensation for toxic exposure victims and have the necessary knowledge, resources, and experience to help you. To initiate the legal process, which is very simple, you only have to send in your employment or military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records. Women who used hair relaxers will have to provide us with evidence of their use of these products.

Our attorneys will carefully review your case to determine whether you are eligible to file a claim. If we deem you eligible, we will start working on your claim as soon as possible. Our compassionate legal team will strive to take care of the most complex aspects of the process on your behalf, as we understand how difficult struggling with ovarian cancer is. Your involvement will be minimal once we have your documents, so you will be able to focus on your health and treatment. If you are too ill to participate in the legal process, you can ask a family member to help you navigate it.