Strength of Nature: toxic hair relaxers

The US-based Strength of Nature is a leader in the ethnic hair care industry and is present in 50 countries. In 2016, Godrej Consumer Products Limited acquired the US-based Strength of Nature. Their collaboration resulted in the Profectiv MegaGrowth brand with an array of hair care products, including non-lye chemical hair relaxers. Over the last decade, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has conducted a significant study showing a clear association between chemical hair relaxers' use and higher uterine cancer rates. Regular and prolonged exposure to the endocrine-disrupting chemicals in hair relaxers has also been linked to increased ovarian cancer risks.

Claim Application

A recent NIH study links chemical hair relaxers to cancer

Recent lawsuits against Strength of Nature cite data on increased uterine and ovarian cancer rates among women who used chemical hair relaxers. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) completed a major study over a decade, called the Sister Study, and found evidence that chemical hair straightening products could cause hormone-sensitive ailments such as:

The cosmetics company marketed hair relaxers as no-lye, safe hair relaxers, but the products still contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals, which are known to interfere with the production of estrogen and other hormones. Strength of Nature is present in over 50 countries with hair relaxer products that contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as:

Strength of Nature - defendant in toxic hair relaxer lawsuits

Shortly after the NIH Sister Study publication on 17 October 2022, hair relaxer lawsuits against Strength of Nature started getting filed around the country. Plaintiffs claim that their injuries were caused by the EDCs (endocrine-disrupting chemicals) in the hair relaxer products. Those who intend to file a toxic hair relaxer claim against Strength of Nature must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • they must have used Strength of Nature chemical hair straightening products for at least 2 - 5 years
  • they must have used Strength of Nature chemical hair relaxer products at least four times a year
  • they must have been diagnosed with uterine cancer or ovarian cancer

Our attorneys can assist you in filing your toxic hair relaxer claim against Strength of Nature

Our legal team will carefully review your case and let you know whether you are entitled to financial compensation. The legal process requires minimum involvement on your part; we need your medical records and proof of chemical hair relaxer use. Have you or your loved one used chemical hair relaxers and now struggle with uterine cancer or ovarian cancer? We strongly advise contacting us for a free case evaluation, as you might be eligible to file a toxic hair relaxer claim. For over three decades, the Environmental Litigation Group has helped many clients injured by harmful products to get rightful compensation.