Asbestos mask

Protective gear should keep you safe from the dangers present in your line of work; however, with the passing of time, these masks would start failing to protect you from the asbestos fibers. This way, you could have unknowingly inhaled them.

Claim Evaluation


1962 - 1999 (37 years)

Hazardous conditions required the workers to use safety gear. Dust masks were part of the working attire, especially when people found themselves in environments filled with huge amounts of asbestos dust.

By themselves, masks didn’t pose any threat to the worker. But an infested atmosphere with microscopic asbestos particles would have meant immediate asbestos exposure if the safety mask was a faulty one or it was wrongly marketed as asbestos abatement appropriate. You could have been exposed if:

  • You wore an inappropriate dust mask
  • You found yourself working in old factories or plants
  • You performed demolition work
  • You were involved in asbestos abatement projects
  • You did remodeling work in old buildings
  • You entered in contact with the clothes or the gear covered in asbestos dust

Companies Liable for Manufacturing or Use of Asbestos mask

How Can We Help Workers that Worked with or around Asbestos mask

Protective gear is meant to keep you out of harm’s way but these masks failed to complete this objective. For being continually exposed to asbestos fibers wearing a failing protective mask, you deserve to receive the reparations meant to cover the costs of your treatment - and we will help you by filing asbestos claims against the companies responsible.