Who is responsible for Camp Lejeune water contamination?

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There were multiple sources of water contamination at Camp Lejeune, such as a dry-cleaning firm that improperly disposed of perchloroethylene, resulting in the chemical infiltrating the drinking water at two water plants at the military base. Service members also used and disposed of solvents inadequately at Camp Lejeune.

ABC One-Hour Cleaner was a major source of perchloroethylene contamination at Camp Lejeune

Because of the improper waste disposal practices of ABC One-Hour Cleaners, a dry-cleaning firm located near Camp Lejeune, perchloroethylene infiltrated the facility’s water supply. The septic tank system released the solvent into soil and groundwater, and perchloroethylene was also buried onsite. As a consequence, the chemical poisoned a water treatment plant that served Tarawa Terrace, a housing community with 6,200 residents. The one-acre site where ABC One-Hour Cleaners site was situated was demolished in 2017.

While the dry-cleaning firm was responsible for some of the contamination at Camp Lejeune, it was not the only source. The Hadnot Point water plant served barracks, recreational areas, schools, and the hospital on the military base. High levels of trichloroethylene were found in the water supply. It is a solvent used to clean metal parts during manufacturing. A report found that there were multiple sources of contamination, such as leaks from underground storage tanks and spills at industrial sites.

Benzene was also found in the water wells, along with 70 unidentified secondary chemicals. Since the military base did not reveal the severity of the contamination until decades after it began, people who spent time there were unaware of toxic exposure. One of the sources of benzene contamination was 800,000 gallons of fuel that leaked from Camp Lejeune’s fuel farm.

We can efficiently help you file your Camp Lejeune water contamination claim

If you spent time at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 and now struggle with a disease, we encourage you to get in touch with our experienced attorneys, as they have been pursuing compensation for toxic exposure victims for over three decades. To initiate the legal process of filing a claim as a veteran, we will only need your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records. Family members will have to send in evidence of their stay at the military base along with their medical records.

After we carefully and thoroughly evaluate your case, we will let you know if you can file a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim. Because we prioritize veterans and family members, especially if they have a terminal illness, we will file your claim as soon as possible so you can benefit from the money you deserve. If you are too ill to participate in the legal process, you do not have to worry, as our compassionate legal team will go to great lengths to make it easy to navigate. We work on a contingency fee basis.