Individuals living near military bases contaminated with PFAS might also be eligible to file a claim

Michael Bartlett

By Michael Bartlett

Posted on October 09th, 2023

While it is known that ill veterans and family members who were stationed at military bases with known PFAS contamination can file a toxic exposure claim, now, individuals residing close to these installations might also be entitled to financial compensation if they came to struggle with a disease.

Also known as "forever chemicals" due to their ability to persist in the environment and the human body, PFAS are emerging contaminants that can easily infiltrate the groundwater, subsequently ending up in the drinking water of individuals living near the military bases from which these substances originate. Even though veterans who spent time at these facilities have the highest risk of developing serious illnesses as a consequence of toxic exposure, people residing close to military bases are also at considerable risk, as they often unwittingly drink water contaminated with PFAS.

Today, in addition to ill veterans and family members who lived at military bases, individuals who reside within one mile of a military installation with known toxic contamination struggling with diseases can also file a claim to obtain financial compensation. It is worth noting that only people who live within this distance of a military base can file a toxic exposure claim. Furthermore, they must have one of the qualifying diagnoses, specifically:

For instance, individuals residing within one mile of Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, California, which has a PFAS concentration of 712,000 ppt in the environment, might be entitled to compensation if they became ill due to toxic exposure. The level of "forever chemicals" at this military base exceeds the EPA's new safe exposure limit by a whopping 178,000 times. Consequently, if you were affected by PFAS exposure as a result of living in close proximity to a military base with known toxic contamination, do not hesitate to contact our skilled attorneys, as they can assist you in filing a claim.

Quality legal assistance for individuals injured by PFAS exposure due to living near military bases

With over 30 years of experience in pursuing financial compensation for toxic exposure victims, our diligent attorneys are ready to help you file a claim if your health was compromised by PFAS exposure as a consequence of residing near a contaminated military base.

The legal process is simple and will require minimal involvement from you, as we understand how overwhelming struggling with a serious disease can be.

Our team will only request evidence of you living close to a military base with known PFAS contamination and your medical records to assess your case. If we determine that you are eligible to file a claim, we will go to great lengths to obtain the financial compensation you deserve for your unjust suffering.