Pancreatic cancer claims

processing claims for over 50 years

Pancreatic cancer claims video

Every year, approximately 64,000 people receive a pancreatic cancer diagnosis in the U.S. While some of the causes of the disease are smoking, diabetes, and chronic pancreatitis, a more obscure risk factor for pancreatic cancer is toxic exposure. Veterans who spent time at military bases during the last century, when most of these facilities were heavily contaminated, are now at high risk of developing pancreatic cancer. Some of the toxic substances that have a strong association with this cancer are benzene, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and petrochemicals, which might have lurked on military bases in the past. Firefighters who use the infamous fire suppressant AFFF are also more likely to come to struggle with pancreatic cancer, as this product contains PFAS, a group of dangerous chemicals. If you are a veteran, family member, or firefighter with pancreatic cancer, you should contact our law firm, as we specialize in toxic exposure and might be able to help you obtain financial compensation.

Our Attorneys

Exposure to PFOA promotes the development of pancreatic cancer in veterans

PFOA and pancreatic cancer

There are over 700 military bases nationwide with a grim legacy of environmental contamination. A solvent that was present on some of these installations is benzene, which has a strong association with pancreatic cancer. Benzene exposure has been correlated with a higher frequency of K-ras mutations in pancreatic tumors. Furthermore, higher benzene levels have also been found in bile aspirates of pancreatic cancer patients than in those with benign biliary conditions. Heavy metals, which also lurked on numerous military bases, have a significant connection with pancreatic cancer, too. The heavy metals that were found to have the strongest association with pancreatic cancer are:

  • chromium
  • selenium
  • molybdenum

Out of the PFAS chemicals, PFOA, a persistent environmental pollutant, has been shown to induce pancreatic acinar cell tumors in rats. This means it might also promote the development and progression of pancreatic cancer in veterans who were exposed to the substance. If you are a veteran who was stationed at a military base with known toxic contamination and have pancreatic cancer, these are the eligibility criteria you have to meet to file a claim:

  • you must have been discharged from the military other than dishonorably
  • you must have been exposed to toxic agents for a significant time
  • you must have a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer related to toxic exposure

Still, to properly assess your case, our attorneys will request your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records. They will carefully review your situation to determine whether you are eligible to file a toxic exposure claim. The family members of veterans who lived with them on military bases and developed pancreatic cancer might also be entitled to financial compensation. If they want to file a claim, they will have to provide us with evidence of their stay at the military base in addition to their medical records.

Firefighters who use AFFF have statistically significant associations with pancreatic cancer

AFFF manufacturers

Since 1967, civilian and military firefighters have been using the dangerous fire suppressant AFFF to extinguish fires stemming from flammable liquids and gases. However, this product is highly toxic, as it sometimes contains 98% PFAS.

With every use, firefighters release these harmful chemicals into the environment, where they do not break down. Moreover, they also expose themselves to PFAS even if they wear protective gear. This greatly contributes to the high rates of pancreatic cancer and other malignant diseases among this occupational group.

Some of the manufacturers of AFFF are the following:

  • Chemguard
  • DuPont
  • Tyco
  • 3M

While 3M stated that it will cease producing the fire suppressant by 2025, other manufacturers will most likely continue to make AFFF. If you are a civilian or military firefighter who regularly worked with AFFF and now struggle with pancreatic cancer, you might be eligible to file a claim. To see if you might be entitled to compensation, check out the eligibility criteria below:

  • you must have been discharged other than dishonorably if you were a military firefighter
  • you must have used AFFF for a significant time on the job
  • you must have a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer that is associated with toxic exposure

To evaluate your case, our experienced attorneys will also need your employment or military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records. Once we deem you eligible, we will promptly begin working on your claim, and if our endeavors are successful, you will recover money from the liable companies whose products you used.

We can efficiently help you file a toxic exposure claim if you have pancreatic cancer

With over 30 years of experience in pursuing compensation for toxic exposure victims, our attorneys have the necessary resources and knowledge to assist you in filing a toxic exposure claim for pancreatic cancer. If you are a veteran with a history of military toxic exposure or a firefighter who used AFFF for a long time and have a pancreatic cancer diagnosis, we strongly encourage you to get in touch with our legal team. The legal process is simple and will mostly take place over the phone.

You will only have to provide our attorneys with your employment or military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records. After a thorough review of your case, we will let you know whether you are eligible to file a toxic exposure claim. If you are too ill to participate in the legal process, a family member can help you, and our compassionate team will also strive to make navigating it as easy as possible. We will strive to obtain the most favorable outcome for your case, no matter how complex it might be.