Our mission through our Kindness Campaign is to enhance the qualify of life of cancer patients by sending them gift baskets that can help with their discomfort and bring a smile to their faces. If you want to help a cancer patient, we have many ways to get you involved. As a company or an individual fill out our form below and you can become a partner or prepare/receive a gift basket. Suggested ideas for gift baskets for cancer patients. We hope that, by virtue of our Kindness Campaign, we will be able to offer even more help to people who are struggling with cancer by encouraging everyone, regardless of their background, to get involved in this program. Spread Kindness!
Every year, approximately 40k veterans receive a cancer diagnosis in the United States. Unfortunately, the annual number of cancer cases among veterans is increasing fast. Our Kindness Campaign includes sending gift baskets to veterans and immediate family members. If you would like to participate in an act of kindness and become a partner or prepare a gift basket, fill out the form below and let us know to contact you for partnering, or you can also prepare a gift basket. Another option is buying premade gift baskets for cancer patients from rockthetreatment.com. Use code Military20. We thank the businesses that donated items for our gift baskets below; we are proud to have delivered over 200 gift baskets for our veterans. We have recently started a separate campaign partnering up with multiple coffee shops and manufacturers so that all veterans can receive free coffee. Those who prefer tea can request free tea from different manufacturers by filling out the form here.