Camp Lejeune: Appendix cancer claims

Camp Lejeune: Appendix cancer claims video

Occurring in 1 or 2 out of one million people every year, appendix cancer is very rare. The causes of the disease include tobacco smoking, having a family history of appendix cancer, and being elderly. Still, recent medical studies found that it can also be the result of toxic exposure. During the last century, service members would encounter countless hazardous agents while stationed at Camp Lejeune, such as industrial solvents. Veterans who lived at this military base when drinking water contamination was at its peak, are now at high risk of developing appendix cancer. According to researchers, appendiceal cancer is becoming more common, particularly among veterans, and toxic exposure plays a major role in the development of the disease. If you spent at least 30 consecutive days at Camp Lejeune between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, and now struggle with appendix cancer, we encourage you to contact our law firm, as you might be eligible for compensation.

Attention: We are no longer taking Camp Lejeune cases!

Goblet cell carcinoid tumors, which are quite aggressive, seem to be the most common among veterans

Appendix cancer

As a narrow pouch located on the right side of the abdomen that projects out from the colon, the appendix is a mysterious organ whose role is still unknown.

While some medical experts believe it acts as a storehouse for good bacteria, others are of the opinion that the appendix is just a useless remnant from our evolutionary past. When changes to the genetic material within the organ's cells occur, appendiceal cancer develops.

Roughly 50% of appendix tumors are malignant. The symptoms of appendix cancer can easily be mistaken for those of appendicitis, the inflammation of the organ that often requires surgery. In fact, appendicitis might even be a symptom of appendix cancer. It is important to note that appendiceal cancer is asymptomatic in most individuals until it spreads to adjacent organs, which is why it is typically found during a medical examination or procedure the person undergoes for another reason. While medical literature is very scarce in research assessing the link between appendix cancer and toxic exposure, scientists have made the connection between exposure to certain hazardous substances and a higher risk of developing this disease. Today, Camp Lejeune veterans with appendix cancer can apply for VA benefits and file a claim with the government for compensation. However, in the spring of 2019, the VA denied a former Marine service connection for appendiceal carcinoma and colon carcinoma. The man subsequently appealed the decision.

The case of U.S. Marine Corps veteran Douglas L. Hedley

The veteran, Douglas L. Hedley, served from August 1975 to August 1981, having been stationed at Camp Lejeune for approximately five months. Because of his diagnoses, he was deemed ineligible for disability compensation and pension by the VA. Two years before he decided to file a claim, the veteran had acute appendicitis, and his appendix was surgically removed. The pathology report describes a goblet cell carcinoid tumor on his appendix. Douglas L. Hedley claimed that his diagnoses had a connection with his service because they involved body parts similar to those on the presumptive list that was effective at that moment, namely:

  • the bladder
  • the kidneys
  • the liver

Fortunately, today, most veterans with appendiceal cancer qualify for VA benefits, as the list of diagnoses has been updated, and they might also be entitled to financial compensation from the government under the recently enacted Camp Lejeune Justice Act. Therefore, if you have this diagnosis, we strongly advise you to get in touch with our attorneys, as they specialize in toxic exposure and might be able to help you file a claim.

Our skilled attorneys can efficiently help you file your Camp Lejeune toxic water claim

Since 1990, our attorneys have been dedicating their efforts to helping toxic exposure victims, among whom is a large number of veterans, recover the financial compensation they deserve for their unfair suffering. Today, we are ready to do the same for you if you spent time at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 and suffer from appendix cancer. All you have to do to find out whether you qualify to file a claim is send in your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records. We can also help you if you want to file a claim with the VA.

Following a thorough assessment of your documents, our legal team will determine whether you are entitled to compensation. Eligible veterans will have their claims filed as soon as possible, as we understand how financially draining struggling with cancer can be. Our resourceful attorneys will strive to obtain the best results for your case so that you can benefit from the largest sum of money you are eligible for. If you were stationed at other military bases and have appendiceal cancer, we might also be able to help you.