Can I file a claim under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act if I already receive VA disability compensation?

Yes. Veteran Marines whose health was compromised due to drinking toxic water at Camp Lejeune can receive compensation both from the government and from the VA. Receiving disability benefits does not exempt you from filing a claim under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act.

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Veterans can seek compensation both under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act and from the VA

Unlike family members and civilians, veterans who spent time at Camp Lejeune while the drinking water was toxic and now struggle with a disease can obtain compensation from two sources. They are entitled to financial compensation from the government under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act and to disability compensation from the VA. Receiving disability benefits does not exempt Marine veterans from seeking compensation under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, so they can obtain money from both sources, which can greatly help with their medical expenses and other costs.

If you are a veteran injured by drinking contaminated water at Camp Lejeune, it is best to have your claim filed with the assistance of a toxic exposure attorney, as the legal process is very complex and tedious, requiring specialized knowledge. Most attorneys who take up Camp Lejeune water contamination claims work on a contingency fee basis, and so do our attorneys, which means you will not have to pay anything unless they obtain compensation for you. We can help you recover compensation both from the government and from the VA.

Quality legal assistance for veterans injured by drinking toxic water at Camp Lejeune

With over 30 years of experience in handling toxic exposure cases, our attorneys are ready to evaluate your case if you are a Marine veteran who developed a disease as a result of drinking contaminated water at Camp Lejeune. The only documents we will request are your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records. Family members who want to file a claim will have to send our legal team evidence of their stay at the military base along with their medical records.

After a comprehensive assessment of your situation, we will determine whether you are eligible to file a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim. If you are, we will immediately begin working on it, as we are well aware that many toxic exposure victims need extra money to afford treatment. Eventually, if our endeavors are successful, you will receive the compensation you deserve for your unjust suffering. If you are too ill to participate in the legal process, a family member can help you navigate it.

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