Camp Lejeune: Female infertility claims

Camp Lejeune: Female infertility claims video

Infertility, defined as the inability to become pregnant after one year of trying, affects 19% of American women. There are numerous causes of female infertility, such as failure to ovulate, infections, structural problems of the reproductive system, and endometriosis. Still, medical studies have recently found that exposure to harmful substances might also play a role in female infertility. Unfortunately, numerous female veterans who served on contaminated military bases have been struggling with this problem. If you are a veteran with female infertility who was stationed at Camp Lejeune, we encourage you to contact our skilled attorneys, as you might be eligible to file a claim for compensation.

Attention: We are no longer taking Camp Lejeune cases!

Daily or high exposure to industrial solvents is associated with reduced fertility in women

Female infertility

Affecting over 6 million women nationwide, female infertility refers to difficulty getting or staying pregnant. There are numerous causes for this condition, such as structural problems in the reproductive system, endometriosis, failure to ovulate, and polycystic ovary syndrome.

Still, a more obscure cause is toxic exposure. During the last century, toxic exposure would occur daily at Camp Lejeune because servicewomen and the wives of servicemen would drink water contaminated with industrial solvents. They would also use the water for cooking, which only worsened the extent of toxic exposure.

A study from the medical journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that exposure to solvents may impair fertility of either gender, but the evidence for female effects was stronger than for male effects. Solvents and their metabolites are rapidly distributed through circulation to different tissues. Reproductive disorders, including fertility problems, have been associated with exposure. The researchers assessed fertility among the families taking part in the study. Out of the participants, 1,300 were female applicators. They were asked whether they painted or used gasoline or other solvents for cleaning hands or equipment. Following the analysis, 28% of the couples were found to be subfertile, meaning that conceiving will take longer than it normally does or it may not happen at all. In women, subfertility increased with:

  • age
  • body mass index
  • smoking

Our diligent attorneys can help you file your Camp Lejeune toxic exposure claim for female infertility

If you spent time at Camp Lejeune as a servicewoman or the spouse of a veteran and developed infertility, we advise you to get in touch with our skilled attorneys. With over 30 years of experience, they will offer you quality legal assistance and guidance. As a veteran seeking legal recourse, you will have to retrieve your military records and your medical records and send these documents to our legal team so that we can have a starting point in reviewing your case. If you are a veteran we can help you file a claim with the VA as well.

To initiate the legal process as the wife of a veteran who lived at Camp Lejeune, you will need to provide our attorneys with evidence of your stay at the military installation and your medical records stating your diagnosis. After a thorough evaluation, we will establish whether you qualify to file a claim, and if you are, our legal team will prepare it for submission.