Camp Lejeune: Lung cancer claims

Camp Lejeune: Lung cancer claims video

Every year, the Veterans Health Administration treats approximately 8,000 veterans with lung cancer, most of whom developed it as a consequence of toxic exposure on military bases such as Camp Lejeune. Between 1953 and 1987, dozens of harmful solvents lurked in the drinking water of the military installation, exposure to which can eventually result in lung cancer, among many other serious diseases. Two solvents have been found to have a particularly strong association with lung cancer - perchloroethylene and vinyl chloride. Both were contaminating the drinking water at Camp Lejeune during the last century. If you are a veteran who was stationed at this military base for at least 30 consecutive days and now struggle with lung cancer, we encourage you to reach out to our attorneys, as you might be eligible for compensation both from the VA and from the U.S. government.

Attention: We are no longer taking Camp Lejeune cases!

Lung cancer risk increased by up to 40%

Lung cancer

A study from the medical journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine investigated the role of exposure to chlorinated solvents in lung cancer development.

Following adjustment for asbestos exposure, the researchers observed a positive, significant association with lung cancer for men and women exposed to a combination of perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene, and dichloromethane.

The first two solvents were present in the drinking water at Camp Lejeune for nearly 35 years. Perchloroethylene exposure may constitute a risk factor for lung cancer, especially among women, according to the study. It is important to note that it is mostly solvent combinations that are the culprit behind lung cancer rather than exposure to a single solvent.

Trichloroethylene was also found to play a role in lung cancer development by a study from Respiratory Medicine. In addition to having a significant association with pulmonary veno-occlusive disease, which occurs in 6% of lung cancer patients, trichloroethylene exposure might also cause lung cancer, although more research is required in this respect. The solvent is also responsible for asthma and chronic bronchitis, diseases that place veterans at a greater lung cancer risk over the years. When the solvent accumulates in cells, the following biological alterations occur in laboratory animals, which are known risk factors for lung cancer:

  • cytotoxicity, the quality of the solvent being toxic to cells
  • aneuploidy, the occurrence of extra or missing chromosomes
  • cell divisions, the healthy cells dividing uncontrollably

Another solvent with a strong lung cancer association is vinyl chloride

Lung cancer

Vinyl chloride is a known carcinogen, meaning it has a definitive link to cancer, including lung cancer.

The numerous volatile organic compounds found at Camp Lejeune included vinyl chloride, which was found in high concentrations in the soil and groundwater due to the improper use and disposal of degreasers and other products.

Since vinyl chloride is a gas, another route of exposure besides drinking toxic water was inhalation. The lungs readily absorb vinyl chloride, and the solvent accumulates in lung tissue. These are the potential health effects of long-term exposure to vinyl chloride above the maximum concentration level on the lungs:

  • respiratory tract irritation causing shortness of breath
  • thickening and inflammation of the airways
  • damage to the air sacs that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
  • gene mutations that can eventually lead to lung cancer

Animal studies indicate that frequent exposure to vinyl chloride results in a high incidence of bronchioloalveolar adenoma, a benign tumor of the lungs that can turn malignant over time. It usually starts in the smaller airways of the lung's outer portion. Like all cancers, lung cancer occurs when a cell mutates. Unfortunately, the mutated cell does not contain the correct DNA to stop division. Therefore, the body continues to produce mutated cells that eventually form a tumor.

Our skilled attorneys can help you file your Camp Lejeune toxic water claim

With over 30 years of experience in handling toxic exposure cases, our attorneys will gladly help you determine whether you are eligible to file a Camp Lejeune toxic water claim. The legal process is simple and fast, taking place over the phone. We will only need your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records as a starting point in assessing your case. If you are a veteran who spent time at Camp Lejeune between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, you might be entitled to financial compensation.

If you are too ill to participate in the legal process, a family member can help you, as we understand how painful it can be to struggle with lung cancer. Furthermore, our compassionate legal team will ease the process for you as much as possible by taking care of the most complex aspects of it on your behalf. Our resourceful attorneys will do all in their power to obtain the most favorable outcome for your case if you qualify for compensation. If you were stationed at other military bases and developed lung cancer, you might also be eligible for compensation.