Camp Lejeune: Neurobehavioral effects claims

Camp Lejeune: Neurobehavioral effects claims video

Drinking toxic water at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 is responsible for neurobehavioral effects, including social alienation, poor concentration, anxiety, dementia, motor problems, fatigue, and memory impairment. Both children and adults can experience these as a result of toxic exposure. Neurobehavioral effects are conditions relating to the relationship between the action of the nervous system and behavior. The misdiagnosis rate among veterans struggling with neurobehavioral effects is very high, as many doctors fail to consider toxic exposure as a risk factor and usually attribute these health conditions to other causes. Therefore, if you were stationed at Camp Lejeune and experience one or more of these symptoms, you should look for a second opinion. Veterans who spent time at this military base and live with neurobehavioral effects should contact our attorneys, who specialize in toxic exposure, as they might be entitled to financial compensation.

Attention: We are no longer taking Camp Lejeune cases!

A common neurological effect among children who spent time at Camp Lejeune is hyperactivity

Neurobehavioral effects

As the name suggests, neurobehavioral effects occur when the way the brain affects emotion, behavior, and learning becomes impaired in some way.

It is important to note that neurobehavioral effects can be the result of toxic exposure that occurred at Camp Lejeune during the last century.

The following are some examples of neurobehavioral effects whose source is exposure to dangerous chemicals such as organic solvents, which lurked in the drinking water at the military base for nearly 35 years in dangerous concentrations:

  • poor memory
  • dementia
  • poor concentration
  • insomnia
  • fatigue
  • motor problems
  • depression
  • lack of coordination
  • headaches
  • sensory disturbances
  • deficits in reaction time
  • hyperactivity
  • confusion
  • behavioral disorders
  • tension
  • learning disorders

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, frequent exposure to low concentrations of trichloroethylene is linked to neurobehavioral deficits. While in general, the main exposure route to solvents is inhalation, in the case of Camp Lejeune veterans, it was ingestion, as the drinking water was heavily contaminated.

Responsible for neurobehavioral effects: TCE, PCE, PVC

Neurobehavioral effects

The acute health effects of organic solvents on the central nervous system include headache, dizziness, lightheadedness progressing to unconsciousness, seizures, and, eventually, death.

Early research suggests that long-term, high-level solvent exposure might be associated with a syndrome of personality change, memory impairment, and neurological deficits known as chronic toxic encephalopathy, psycho-organic syndrome, or solvent neurotoxicity.

According to a study from the Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, prolonged exposure to low levels of organic solvents was associated with adverse neurobehavioral effects among male printing workers. The researchers observed 115 printing workers exposed to organic solvents from the printing divisions of 3 printing factories. Their exposure to organic solvents can be comparable to that of veterans stationed at Camp Lejeune, as it would occur regularly.

Finally, a study from the medical journal Neurotoxicology and Teratology reveals that short-duration exposure to solvents at even low concentrations can induce signs of mild toxicity, such as mucous membrane irritation, tearing, nasal irritation, headache, and nausea. With higher exposures, the adverse effects are more pronounced and can refer to intoxication, incoordination, exhilaration, sleepiness, stupor, and the beginning stages of anesthesia.

Our skilled attorneys can efficiently help you file your Camp Lejeune toxic water claim

If you are a veteran who spent time at Camp Lejeune while the drinking water was contaminated with industrial solvents and struggle with neurobehavioral effects, please give a call to our legal team, as you may be entitled to financial compensation. Still, before filing a claim, our attorneys will need to thoroughly assess your case, which is why we will request your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records. Veterans who are too ill to participate in the legal process can have a family member's help, although their involvement will be minimal once we have gathered all the necessary information and documents from you.

Eligible veterans will have a Camp Lejeune toxic water claim filed on their behalf, as our legal team will take care of the most complex aspects of the process. We are aware of how overwhelming suffering from neurobehavioral effects can be, so we will do all in our power to make the legal process as easy to navigate as possible for you. If our endeavors are successful, you will receive the compensation available for the severity of your disease. Finally, if you were stationed on another military base and have a diagnosis that makes you eligible for compensation, we might also be able to help you obtain the money you deserve as well.