Camp Lejeune: Ovarian cancer claims

Camp Lejeune: Ovarian cancer claims video

Every year, nearly 20,000 women receive a diagnosis of ovarian cancer in the U.S. Also known as "the silent killer", as most women do not experience any symptoms unless the disease spreads to other parts of the body, ovarian cancer can be caused by toxic exposure. Female veterans who were stationed at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 are at high risk of developing ovarian cancer, as the drinking water was heavily contaminated with industrial solvents during that time. According to medical studies, exposure to solvents such as trichloroethylene, benzene, and perchloroethylene increases the risk of developing ovarian cancer. If you are a female veteran or the wife of a male veteran who spent time at Camp Lejeune while the drinking water was toxic, you might be entitled to financial compensation. Our skilled attorneys will help you determine whether you are eligible to file a claim.

Attention: We are no longer taking Camp Lejeune cases!

Trichloroethylene exposure might significantly increase ovarian cancer risk

Ovarian cancer

A study from the medical journal Epidemiology assessed the mortality rate of 20,508 aerospace workers exposed to trichloroethylene, one of the solvents lurking in the drinking water at Camp Lejeune. The researchers observed elevated ratios for ovarian cancer among those with peak exposure at medium and high levels.

Furthermore, according to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, a study from Environmental Health Perspectives showed a significant association between trichloroethylene exposure and ovarian cancer. Benzene exposure also has a connection with ovarian cancer, according to medical studies. The solvent was also present in the environment of Camp Lejeune, and service members would be exposed to it during the following activities:

  • storage and dispensing of liquid petroleum fuels
  • cleaning and degreasing activities
  • ship, vehicle, and aircraft maintenance servicing, repairs, and overhaul

We can efficiently help you file a Camp Lejeune toxic water claim for ovarian cancer

If you spent time at Camp Lejeune as a servicewoman or the spouse of a veteran and developed ovarian cancer, we advise you to get in touch with our diligent attorneys. With over 30 years of experience, they will gladly provide you with quality legal assistance and guidance. As a veteran seeking legal recourse, you will have to retrieve your military records and your medical records and send these documents to our legal team so that we can have a starting point in assessing your case. We can also help you file a VA claim if you are a veteran.

To initiate the legal process as the wife of a veteran who lived at Camp Lejeune, you will need to send in evidence of your stay at the military installation and your medical records stating your diagnosis. After a thorough evaluation, we will establish whether you qualify to file a claim, and if you do, our legal team will prepare it for submission. If you were stationed at another military base and struggle with ovarian cancer, we might be able to help you, too.