Camp Lejeune: Soft tissue sarcoma claims

Camp Lejeune: Soft tissue sarcoma claims video

Every year, over 13,000 people receive a diagnosis of soft tissue sarcoma in the U.S. As the name suggests, the disease refers to all cancers that originate in the soft tissues of the body, such as the muscles, lymph nodes, blood vessels, tendons, fat, and nerves. While the cause of soft tissue sarcoma mostly concerns genetics, exposure to toxic chemicals such as vinyl chloride and dioxins was also found to be a risk factor. Between 1953 and 1987, the drinking water at Camp Lejeune was heavily contaminated with vinyl chloride and other industrial solvents. Therefore, nearly all service members were exposed to vinyl chloride, which greatly endangered their health. If you are a veteran who was stationed at this military base and now struggle with soft tissue sarcoma, we strongly encourage you to reach out to our experienced attorneys, as you might be entitled to financial compensation.

Attention: We are no longer taking Camp Lejeune cases!

Exposure to vinyl chloride is a risk factor for developing sarcomas of the liver

Soft Tissue Sarcoma

The lifetime risk of developing soft tissue sarcoma is 1 in 250, which means it is a rare disease. Nevertheless, veterans who spent time at Camp Lejeune have a higher risk of coming to struggle with it, as they were exposed to harmful substances from drinking water.

There are roughly 50 subtypes of soft tissue sarcoma, and they are very rare. It is worthy of note that soft tissue sarcoma mostly occurs in the arms, legs, chest, and abdomen. The most common sign of soft tissue sarcoma is a lump or swelling in soft tissue.

These are some of the most frequently diagnosed subtypes of soft tissue sarcoma:

  • desmoid tumors: they grow from the cells that make up connective tissue, which supports and connects the bones, ligaments, and muscles
  • alveolar soft part sarcoma: it occurs in muscle, fat, or nerves and usually develops in the leg, but it can also start in other parts of the body
  • infantile myofibromatosis: this is a rare tumor that grows in the skin, muscles, bones, and, sometimes, in the organs of the chest or abdomen
  • clear cell sarcoma: it occurs mostly in the arms, legs, feet, and hands, but it can also grow in the torso, including the stomach and intestines

Vinyl chloride is one of the dangerous chemicals associated with a high risk of soft tissue sarcoma that lurked in the drinking water at Camp Lejeune during the last century. Exposure to dioxins, another group of toxic chemicals, might have also occurred at the military base during the Vietnam War when the herbicide and defoliant known as Agent Orange would be stored there. According to a study from the medical journal Systematic Reviews, workers with exposure to chemical agents, benzene, or other solvents had a higher risk of developing soft tissue sarcoma.

Exposure to dioxin can also cause soft tissue sarcoma

Soft Tissue Sarcoma

A study from the European Journal of Cancer Prevention found that individuals exposed to vinyl chloride have a higher risk of developing liver angiosarcoma, a subtype of soft tissue sarcoma that occurs in the lining of blood and lymph vessels.

Researchers observed 22,000 workers from 56 plants in North America and Europe who would regularly come in direct contact with vinyl chloride on the job. They were followed for 50 years. Out of the participants, 71 developed liver angiosarcoma.

Dioxin exposure has also been associated with a high risk of soft tissue sarcoma. A study published in the medical journal Environmental Health found a 3.3 times greater risk of developing soft tissue sarcoma in both men and women exposed to dioxins via inhalation over a long time from waste incinerators and industrial sources. Interestingly, a significant excess of risk was observed in women. The study supports the link between modeled dioxin exposure and sarcoma risk. Veterans stationed at Camp Lejeune between 1955 and 1975 might have also been exposed to dioxins since Agent Orange contained a tremendous concentration of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin.

Our diligent attorneys can help you file a Camp Lejeune toxic water claim for soft tissue sarcoma

If you struggle with soft tissue sarcoma and spent time at Camp Lejeune during the last century, your diagnosis is most likely the result of toxic exposure. Therefore, we advise you to contact our resourceful attorneys, as they have over 30 years of experience in this area of practice. As a veteran, you will have to retrieve your military records and your medical records and send these documents to our legal team if you want to file a claim. We can help you with your VA claim as well.

After a careful evaluation of your case, our resourceful attorneys will let you know whether you are eligible to file a claim. If you are, they will begin preparing your claim for submission as soon as possible. Your involvement in the legal process will be minimal, as we are aware of how overwhelming struggling with cancer can be. If you were stationed at other military bases and have soft tissue sarcoma, we might be able to help you, too.