Shipyard workers

The people that worked on these sites performed a variety of tasks from designing the ships to repairing and maintenance work. These later activities involved them being around asbestos products. The piping system, boilers, and turbines were usually insulated with asbestos materials. Insulating products like asbestos cement needed to be mixed by hand and in this process, asbestos particles were released in a closed environment.

Claim Evaluation

The workers that were assigned construction projects were very likely to be exposed to dangerous amounts of asbestos dust and to its poisonous fibers. In order to obtain the proper fit, the insulation had to be cut, ground and sanded.

Working in a shipyard puts you at the risk of developing a serious illness like mesothelioma, lung cancer or asbestosis. Unfortunately, the chances of your health improving after you are diagnosed with one of these diseases are extremely grim.

Relevant job titles

  • apprentice fitter
  • blacksmith
  • boat builder
  • boat operator
  • boatswain
  • boiler coverer
  • cast ship mixer
  • caulker
  • chipper
  • coal engineer
  • coppersmith
  • deck engine mechanic
  • diesel mechanic
  • engineman
  • fireman
  • grinder
  • hod carrier
  • hull foreman
  • hull department supervisor
  • hull maintenance technician
  • merchant seaman
  • naval engineer
  • naval architect
  • oiler
  • pad room worker
  • plumber
  • rigger
  • riveter
  • sandblaster
  • ship inspector
  • shipbuilder
  • stoker
  • water tender
  • wiper

Asbestos secondary exposure?

People exposed through spouse, husband, parent, relative should find more...

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Asbestos-related cancer eligible for filing a claim

If you developed one of the following cancers as a result of occupational exposure, you are eligible for compensation. If you are too ill, a family member can help you with the legal process. In the unfortunate event that you pass away before recovering compensation, your surviving family members will receive compensation on your behalf.

Lung Cancer Mesothelioma Throat Cancer Esophageal Cancer Bronchial Cancer Gastrointestinal Cancer Colorectal Cancer

If, however, you struggle with non-cancerous pleural diseases such as asbestosis, pulmonary fibrosis, pleural plaques, pleural effusion, diffuse pleural thickening, COPD (emphysema & chronic bronchitis), pleurisy, lung nodules, lung spots, asthma, pneumonitis, tuberculosis, rounded atelectasis or lung scarring, please seek a second or even a third opinion as the rate of misdiagnosis is very high among the victims of asbestos exposure.

We also Represent U.S. Veterans Exposed to Asbestos while Serving their Country 

Asbestos Exposure & Veterans

Our Attorneys also Provide Legal Representation to Labor Union Members

Legal Assistance for Union Members

How can we help shipyard workers who were exposed to asbestos?

Due to the fact that these diseases have a period of latency from 10 to 40 years, an examination is mandatory for you to choose the correct treatment option before it is too late. Contact us if you want to get examined in the fastest time possible.

If your life has been affected due to the work you have done on shipyard sites, we can offer you the legal representation needed to obtain the reparations you deserve. We will file claims with the asbestos trust funds of the companies responsible for exposing you to asbestos, as well as with the VA.