What is the acceptance/rejection rate for Camp Lejeune water contamination claims?

While the approval rates for VA Camp Lejeune claims have risen, over 75% of these claims were denied in 2022. Nevertheless, if you choose to file your claim with the assistance of an attorney with significant experience in toxic exposure cases, you will most likely obtain the benefits you deserve. Filing a VA claim for injuries related to contaminated water exposure at Camp Lejeune on your own is extremely difficult, as the process is complex and tedious.

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While the acceptance rate is low, a toxic exposure attorney can help you obtain compensation from the VA

The current acceptance rate for VA disability compensation for Camp Lejeune veterans is only 25%, which makes it quite challenging for toxic exposure victims to obtain the benefits they are entitled to. While Marines have a significantly easier time filing a claim under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act with the assistance of a very experienced attorney, receiving disability compensation is difficult if they choose to file a VA claim on their own.

However, if Camp Lejeune Veteran Marnes who are seeking disability compensation work with a toxic exposure attorney, their chances of obtaining this benefit are considerably greater. This is because a toxic exposure attorney has the necessary experience and knowledge when it comes to correctly filing a VA disability claim. Furthermore, they also know what documents to submit along with the claim so they can prove the connection between the veteran’s disease and drinking contaminated water at Camp Lejeune.

Therefore, if you are a veteran who intends to file a claim for VA disability compensation, you will have to work with a toxic exposure attorney who has at least a decade of experience in handling these cases. With over 30 years of experience in pursuing compensation for toxic exposure victims, our attorneys will gladly assist you in filing a VA disability claim. The legal process is simple and will require minimal involvement from you.

We can efficiently help you file a VA disability claim if you are a Camp Lejeune Marine

Since 1990, we have been dedicating our endeavors to assisting toxic exposure victims, and many of our clients are veterans. If you want to file a VA disability claim, we are ready to provide you with quality legal assistance. To initiate the legal process, you will only have to give us a call and submit your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records.

After a careful and thorough evaluation of your case, we will let you know if you are eligible for VA disability compensation. Eligible veterans will promptly have their claims filed, as we are well aware that many struggle financially due to the high cost of treatment. If our efforts are successful, you will obtain the monthly disability compensation you are entitled to.

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