Can I file a claim if I developed cancer after living at Camp Lejeune but also have a family history of cancer?

No. People who spent time at Camp Lejeune while the drinking water was contaminated and came to struggle with cancer but also have a family history of cancer are not eligible to file a claim. This is because medical experts will be unable to determine whether their disease is the result of toxic exposure or genetic predisposition.

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People with a family history of cancer are exempt from filing a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim

In the regrettable event that you lived at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 when the drinking water abounded in toxic chemicals, and you developed cancer but also have a family history of cancer, you cannot file a claim to obtain financial compensation. The reason why people with a family history of cancer are exempt from seeking financial compensation under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act is that the medical experts who will assess their cases will be unable to determine whether their disease occurred due to their predisposition to it or due to contaminated water exposure. In the absence of strong evidence, your claim will inevitably be rejected.

To file a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim, you must have strong evidence of the causal relation between your cancer and drinking contaminated water at the military base. Because your cancer might have developed as a consequence of your genetic predisposition to it and not as a result of consuming toxic water at the military base, the medical experts reviewing your case will most likely deem you ineligible to file a Camp Lejeune claim. Therefore, people with a family history of cancer who struggle with a malignant disease cannot file a claim for toxic water exposure, as the connection between their cancer and toxic exposure cannot be proven.

Quality legal assistance for Camp Lejeune toxic water exposure victims

With over 30 years of experience in handling toxic exposure cases, our attorneys are ready to help you determine whether you are eligible to file a claim if you spent time at Camp Lejeune while the drinking water was contaminated with volatile organic compounds. Because we understand how physically and emotionally draining struggling with a serious disease can be, Veteran Marines will only need to submit their military records, which they must retrieve, and their medical records to have their claims evaluated.

Family members who intend to file a Camp Lejeune toxic water claim will have to send our legal team proof of their stay at the military base along with their medical records. After a comprehensive assessment of your situation, we will let you know if you qualify for compensation. Since we prioritize the cases of veterans and family members, we will promptly begin working on your claim. Eventually, if our endeavors are successful, you will receive the financial compensation you deserve.

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