How do I prove I lived at Camp Lejeune?

If you want to file a claim, either as a veteran or a family member of one, you must provide evidence of your stay at Camp Lejeune. To prove that you lived at the military base, you will have to send your attorney leasing agreements or any documents listing your home address as being on Camp Lejeune. This applies both to veterans and family members.

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Veterans and family members will have to provide their attorneys with leasing agreements

When filing a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim as a veteran, retrieving your military records and sending these documents to your attorney is essential, as they contain important information regarding your time on active duty at the military base. The document veterans have to provide their attorney with is the DD214, which contains the date and place of enlistment, qualifications, performance, and training, last duty station and rank, and date of separation from the military, among other details.

However, it is important to know that military records do not mention the place Camp Lejeune veterans lived during their stay at the base, so they will also have to send their attorney evidence of staying at the military base during active duty. This applies to family members injured by toxic water exposure who intend to seek legal recourse, too. Therefore, everyone who lived at Camp Lejeune must provide their attorney with their leasing agreements. If you no longer have these documents, you can contact the leasing agency to inquire about the records.

If you cannot find your leasing agreement and the leasing agency does not have a copy, you should go back through your records to see if you have any official documents listing your home address as being on Camp Lejeune. Your attorney might be able to use some of the following to prove that you lived on the military base during the time the drinking water was contaminated:

  • insurance information
  • school enrollment documents for children
  • various bills

Any document proving you lived in Camp Lejeune's family housing or the barracks will play a vital role in your lawsuit. In the absence of these documents, you might not be able to file a claim.

Quality legal assistance for Marine veterans and family members injured by toxic water at Camp Lejeune

With over 30 years of experience in pursuing compensation for toxic exposure victims, including many veterans, our attorneys will gladly assess your case to determine whether you are entitled to financial compensation. If you lived at Camp Lejeune while the drinking water was contaminated and now struggle with a disease, we strongly encourage you to contact our law firm, as you might be eligible to file a claim. As a veteran, you will only have to send in your military records, which you must retrieve, and your medical records.

Family members who intend to file a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim will need to provide us with evidence of their stay at the military base along with their medical records. If we find out you are entitled to financial compensation, we will promptly file your claim, as we prioritize veterans and family members injured by toxic exposure. Eventually, if our endeavors are fruitful, you will obtain the money you deserve for your unjust suffering. We operate on a contingency fee basis, so you will not have to pay us until we obtain compensation.

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