What should I do if the VA denied my Camp Lejeune claim?

If you have filed a claim with the VA to receive benefits as a Camp Lejeune toxic exposure victim and your application was denied, you are not alone. Many valid claims are rejected at first. However, with the help of a specialized and experienced attorney, you can eventually obtain the compensation you deserve if you drank contaminated water at Camp Lejeune and developed a health problem.

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Filing a VA claim is a complex process that a knowledgeable attorney should handle

According to the VA, a whopping 75% of the claims filed by veterans for benefits such as disability compensation are initially denied. It is so difficult to obtain VA benefits on your own because your claim must clearly explain the link between your diagnosis and toxic exposure that occurred during active service and be accompanied by certain documents that further prove this connection.

If you fail to provide indisputable evidence supporting the causal relation between your illness and military toxic exposure, your claim will inevitably be rejected, and you will be denied VA benefits. These are the most common reasons why so many VA claims are rejected even when the veteran is entitled to the benefits they are seeking:

  • failing to prove that the disabling illness is the result of drinking toxic water during active duty
  • failing to prove that the disabling illness is linked to military service
  • failing to prove that the disabling illness exists

Unfortunately, even when a veteran struggling with a health problem caused by water contamination at Camp Lejeune provides all the necessary evidence, errors in reviewing the paperwork may be the reason why they are wrongfully denied access to VA benefits. Nevertheless, the good news is that a VA claim filed for disability compensation can be reopened if the veteran has exhausted their appeals. Still, for this to be possible, new evidence is required.

The process can be very challenging and overwhelming, especially for veterans who are severely disabled by their illness. For this reason, it is best to contact a specialized attorney to help you reopen your VA claim and eventually obtain the maximum disability compensation you are eligible for. Veteran Marines whose cause of illness is toxic exposure at Camp Lejeune can receive up to $3,000 per month as disability compensation, which can be extremely useful for those who struggle financially due to the cost of healthcare and treatment.

To reopen a VA disability claim, "new and material" evidence must be submitted, which refers to proof the veteran has not included before in their claim. Still, the new evidence cannot be just new medical records, as something substantial must be provided to reopen the claim. Only a resourceful attorney can determine which information and documents can represent "new and material" evidence, so if you are a veteran who struggles with a disease as a consequence of drinking contaminated water at Camp Lejeune and was denied VA benefits, we encourage you to get in touch with us.

We will help you obtain VA benefits if you are a Camp Lejeune toxic exposure victim

Marines who were stationed at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 for at least 30 consecutive days and developed a disease due to toxic exposure may be entitled to financial compensation. Our attorneys and legal team have been dedicating their endeavors to providing quality assistance to toxic exposure victims for over 25 years, and they will gladly help you file both a Camp Lejeune water contamination claim/lawsuit and a VA claim.

All you have to do is retrieve your military records and your medical records and send these documents to our law firm. They will be used as a starting point to assess your case by our experienced attorneys.

Your involvement in the legal process will be minimal, so you will have time to focus on your treatment. Eventually, you may receive the compensation you truly deserve and the VA benefits you are eligible for.

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